Tuesday, 15 December 2009


Hi, sorry I haven't got back to any of your comments - it has been a busy few months with
demanding college work and the Christmas season!

Because things have been so busy in Topshop over the past month or so I haven't had time to obtain the newest playlist listings, but as soon as I can I will post them!

Keep your eyes peeled, and have yourself a very Merry Christmas!

(Sorry I don't tend to get back to those who ask me what song is what, I don't know all the songs lyric for lyric, but my old method of typing them into Google usually works!)


  1. I just came across your blog and as somebody who also works in topshop (bristol), I have to say I. am. in. love!

    our store always seems to lose the playlists so I'm always in agony when google lyric searches come up fruitless!

    sadly we didn't have the november playlist otherwise I would have offered it. I'll see if I can get hold of the latest one but if you manage to find the november one knocking around please do post it! desperate (life and death!) to know one of the songs..

    good luck with all that college work, I know this time of year can be hell. x

  2. by the way, these are some of the songs that have been played recently, can't be specific about which playlists they're from, or the order, they're just off the top of my head and may be of use to some people..

    I Felt Stupid-The Drums
    No Soap (In A Dirty War)-Reverend And The Makers
    Let's Get Clinical-Maximo Park
    Neon Jesus-Crocodiles
    Radar Detector-Darwin Deez
    Deadbeat Summer-Neon Indian

  3. there is a song currently being played in topshop, it's a woman singing something like "she's a diamond" or something with diamonds. I have literally been looking everywhere for it, searching like crazy but with no luck...please help ?

  4. There's a song i heard today thats starts with something about sunday morning and looking out the window,i think, that i really wanted to look up but can't remember enougth to find it if anyone has any idea what im talking about please let me know, it would make my christmas x

  5. There's a beautiful song on the playlist this month, can't find it anywhere.. it's a female and male singing, sounds like Florence Welch from florence + the machine but google shows nothing up.. the only lyrics I can remember are something like 'I wish I'.. but that might not even be right :( it's a really laid-back track & I want it sooo bad!

  6. discothequechic: and the first song you listed was the song i have been looking for so desperately! brilliant ;D

    anyway, this blog is awesome, so pls keep it going!! :)

  7. omg, same scenario as anon. i have been searching for that song i felt so stupid for AGES!! i'm sooo happy, it's quite pathetic! thanks!! xxx

  8. ;discothequechic

    hya i work in topshop and named a few songs and im looking for one on that playlist, some of the lyrics are possibly:
    "killing me, killing me killing me..."
    "we're all machines, killing me.."
    "im caught in a mess.. .. . . .. " "ohh ohh!" etc.
    could be so wrong there but id be soooo happy if u cud tell me what it is arrr?!

  9. louise-knight
    is the song your thinking of not..
    "youve got the love - florence and the machine (xx remix)" ?


  10. nooo it's not the you've got the love remix unfortunately :( I remember that sdong from a couple of months back though, it's not on the playlist I'm on about :/

  11. hello! I was just wondering...what size store are these playlists for? I can get my hands on them going back about a year if it's small ones!

  12. would be nice if you had a tumblr!

  13. just want to say what a brilliant blog this is!
    please keep it up :)

    just checked out the youve got the love - florence and the machine (xx remix) linked above, and its amazing!

    thank you!


  14. i work in topshop also, in Bluewater..
    unfortunately our store never tells us/has a way/can be bothered to tell us what the playlists are

    recently we've been playing 'best of 2009' aha which was a mixture of everything from the whole year

  15. oh my goodness...i just found your blog after visiting Topshop in Malaysia for the very first time and faling in love with the music they play.. i asked one othe sales assistants if i could buy a copy of their CD but they told me they didnt have one :/

    thanks so much for this! If you do happen to have the january 2010 tracklist, it would be definitely appreciated! keep it up :)


  16. I just went to TopMan for the first time today :) There was a song playing with words like," You were you at the right place at the right time at the right place..." Does anyone know this song?! Thanks for your help! :)

  17. Sorry I've not got back to any you lot!
    It's been a busy month and it is about to be another busy month!!!

    However, I promise to try and get the December playlist (November seems to have disappeared into thin air) very soon.

    With regards to a few of your comments:
    - Unfortunatley I only post the Topshop playlists because Topman have a complete different playlist to the ones Topshop play (maybe someone working for Topman who is fortunate enough to get hold of their playlists could start a blog specifically for them?!?!)

    - I also have a feeling that playlists may differ from store to store; so flagship stores may have a slightly different playlist to the smallers stores. I work in a medium-ish store and so the playlists posted so far may not contain the songs you are searching for... BUT, keep posted because the playlists from the larger stores do get played at the smaller ones!

    - Lastly, in reply to 'Ysa', when I have the time I may set up some form of sister-site on Tumblr/Wordpress - but don't count on that!!!

  18. heyyyaaa!!!!!
    Thank you SO much for this website. It's a godsend, after all the torturous lyric searching I've done, often in vain. :D
    I was just wondering, is the playlist that is being played currently the october playlist? because there's one song I've heard in three different stores between late october and, haha, today!!!! :) do you know by any chance
    xxx pip xxx

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