Tuesday, 5 January 2010

2010 Update!

Dear all,

To kick things off I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! I realise things have been slow in terms of playlist updates, but as we all have demanding schedules nowadays it proves to be hard to find the time to be a vigilant playlist-poster and blogger! I shall make it one of my many new year's resolutions to try and get hold of and post as many playlists as possible though.

I honestly did not think this blog would get as popular as it has done and I want to thank everyone for the positive remarks, as well as those who have replied to other peoples comments on song suggestions! I have tried my hardest to reply to your questions in one big comment in the 'Update' (15/12/09) post.

For now I thought I would post this handy link:

Club Clique produces the most fantastic mixtapes, containing all the current stuff being played in Topshop! So check them out and download them!

I hope that has satisfied your ears for now; I shall be back in the next month with some new Topshop playlists. Please keep giving your feedback and spread the word!


  1. Hey there! I just stumbled upon this blog, and i am so grateful that i did.

    I am a regular customer at Topshop, and i loooove all the songs played there, but i could never find out what songs are being played, but now thanks to you i do.

    Keep up the good work! *thumbs up*

  2. Hi, i found this blog when trying to find the title/artist of a song i hear constantly in TopShop atm.

    Its a cover of 'you got the love' (candi staton) but its a duet - a woman and a man - i think the woman could possibly be a sample from florence + the machine's cover but I've never heared a version with a man singing as well before (appart from in topshop!)

    does anyone know what this is? I couldn't see it on the playlist for jan 2010?

  3. Hi,

    It's on the Feb playlist! I do know that it is The XX's remix of Florence & The Machine's cover.

  4. thank you so much!!! :)

  5. Pleeease update soon and put march/aprils playlist up :) x

  6. Hi everyone,
    Sorry for such a delay!
    I'm so busy with uni work at the minute, I'm finding it hard to keep on top of all this playlist malarkey! I'll try to get the March and April one soonish - I've got a feeling they'll be long gone though!

    Sorry once again, and thanks for some of your positive support - just be patient! (I'm avid blogger as it is!)

  7. I heard a song the other day, playing in Cardiff Topshop and the lyrics were, "you make my heart explode." just repeating over and over, and it was just lush! Could you tell me what it is, possibly?

  8. this is dooooing my head in, what is the song called and some of the lyrics are.... 'do you think well be in love forever,do you think well be in love forever, your no good for me, baby your good for me.....new york city' and its a girl singingg!?!?! please someone tell me!

  9. hi wednesday 20/10 in manchester topshop heard alovely somg, chorus words were possible What's in it for me, anybody know it.

  10. hay. heard the most amazing song earlier in cardiff topshop and i cant find it its driving me crazy! the chorus is kinda like 'do you wonderrrr' or 'will you wonder'. does anyone know it??!

  11. ^^ the 'you make my heart explode' song is called 'ride friendship - the terror pigeon dance revolt' :)

  12. The wonder song is by Gypsy and the Cat - time to wander.

  13. thankyou so muchhhh!

  14. Can someone help me? Can't find this song at all!

    I can give you something to think about,
    If you can can think of something to put in my mouth.

    Lyrics are a little weird but an amazing song!

  15. I head a song yesterday in Topshop and none of the staff knew it but it went something like 'gotta getaway in my getaway car' i have looked everywhere for it!! So appreciated if someone could help me out!

  16. anyone happen to know the name of the song with the chorus 'you're not the only one who feels like thissssss' the verse is like 'we're riding hard tonight baby'. i'd really love to know, can't get it out of my head!!!

  17. yesterday i heared a song in topshop oxford circus london lyrics are like , aha ha ha ha ha ha ha we ....i am not really know about it but its a beautiful song sung by some female singer can anyone know about that song it please post the name here ..

  18. hey hey, i was at Topshop when i heard this song being sung by a women about ice or icecream or something to do with the words ice.. i love it and it's been haunting me for days , need your help

  19. ^^It could be this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yYAOUc7YBE

  20. i work in topshop and heard a song in october that kept playing its sooo catchy.
    dunu the lyrics very well but it went something like..
    'if you know what i think of you tell me what you know tell me why why why'

    what is it!!!? lol

  21. i heard this song in topshop the other day cant remember much of it but the chorus kept saying 'it's so beautifullll... but it's not real' there was kinda like a circus theme in the background. was well catchyyy! anyone know it?!

  22. lookin'outforlinda30 December 2010 at 01:23

    I was in topshop yesterday (28th Dec 2010) and heard a couple of songs and would like to find out what they were. Can't remember many lyrics but here goes - shootin' straight from the hip seemed to be chorus from one song and the other was something about 'love' and 'prostitute'. Hope someone can help, I have had no luck so far.

  23. i work in topshop, the songs consist of about 5 tracks that play over and over until they change after 3 months.I actually came home with a headache today!

  24. forgot to mention the 'its so beautiful' song is 'tea with cinnamon - katzenjammer' peace.

  25. this is another one they play in topshop!

  26. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCyvqSohCWE

    this is also one!

  27. Heylloo

    i work in topshop and i thought id let you know that a new playlist is starting to creep in! so if suggest getting the shazam app for iphones or calling 2580 when your instore so you can find out what the songs are!


  28. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohB8e5TtCtA

    this is my favourite!!

  29. looking for a song from topshop too
    not too sure, but the lyrics are something like -

    do you want to go to the bar with me, were going down down down at four in the morning most beautiful girl ive ever seen

    thats all i have and have been searching for it everywhere!
    anyone got any idea?

  30. Trying to find a song from the topshop playlist around in june-aug 10. Some of the lyrics said something like 'do you really want to love forever.......apologise' - male vocals. Driving me nuts! Can you help?

  31. Yes - the 'do you really want to love forever' really sounded arctic monkeys-esque?

  32. i've heard a song at topshop duet by a man and a woman. and there's this part where the woman sang "i...wanna be your boyfriend" and kept singing it over and over again. pls tell me what song is that?

  33. i also would really like to know what this 'i wanna be your boyfriend' song is, because i LAAAAAVVVV it, and cannot find it on google by typing in the lyrics :( please help.

  34. I work at Topman and I'm always Googling lyrics!

    The boyfriend one might be "I wana be your boyfriend" by Discovery.
    And the Getaway Car song is by Leni Ward

  35. Also....Ace of Hearts song...

  36. Prostitute song...

    Lonliest Star song...

  37. Does anyone know the song that starts off with something like 'she doesn't see how the light reflects off a sequin dress' and has 'Lydia you're not on your own' in the chorus? I have been googling it and can't find it but it is driving me crazy! Thanks!

  38. does anyone know the song that has a chorus a bit like 'look and then you will see, there is no-one like me '. Thank you!

  39. To ..
    "Anonymous said...

    this is dooooing my head in, what is the song called and some of the lyrics are.... 'do you think well be in love forever,do you think well be in love forever, your no good for me, baby your good for me.....new york city' and its a girl singingg!?!?! please someone tell me!
    3 August 2010 18:24 "

    After something ridiculous like 8 months of having that same song stuck in my head i have finally found it! here's the link :)


  40. I work at Topshop, and there's a song that features the words 'Mystical Woman, no you're not, no you're not' and the chorus goes 'Show me, show me, show me-oh' and they've just taken it off the playlist...so annoying when I want to know what it is!

  41. I heard this song at Topshop in Manchester and Sheffield and I can't find it. Doeas anyone know the song something with "going to ... 'coconut island' ?!?!?! Thank you!!!

  42. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZWtmJhMEKA&feature=fvst

    this is brand new on the playlist

    its a wolf gang song (remix)
    took me ages to find

  43. I was in Topshop today and there was a song on like 'oooooh i wanna be your friend' Its not 'i wanna be your boyfriend by discovery' Sounds abit like Jamie XX or something


  45. 4 JANUARY 2011 21:06
    Anonymous said...
    looking for a song from topshop too
    not too sure, but the lyrics are something like -

    do you want to go to the bar with me, were going down down down at four in the morning most beautiful girl ive ever seen

    thats all i have and have been searching for it everywhere!
    anyone got any idea?

    This song is named Plage from Crystal Fighters

  46. heard a song in topshop in sheffield on wednesday, and it goes:
    boy i want you, i want you, i want you.

    so so so so need to know what it is!

  47. i work in topshop and winter 2010 they kept playing these 2 songs I reallly loved. One had lyrics that went 'you and your amatuer reactions to professional mistakess make me feel like i make up all the answers' and the other went 'i've seen you looking into my eyes like there's something you can learn from them' doesss anyone pleasee no the names?????

  48. hello

    It concerns top shop playlist May 2011
    I m looking for a song sing by a woman with a very classical voice and she keep on talking about kiss, kiss etrnity, etc
    the chorus seems to begin by " in my eyes or in my arms.... nahanaha with me again"
    I know not easy one but I m french and I didn t understand all the lyrics ;-)
    sounds like a very dramatic song

    Pleeeeaaase help


  49. heard heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez remix at Oxford Circus today, anyone know who the remix is by?

  50. song played a lot recently "oh, oh, oh, ohahohahohoh" and ends with something like "I love your greedy eyeees "

  51. Could that be Cherry V - greedy eyes?

  52. Does anyone know this song that regularly plays in topshop at the momment, i think it's lyrics are along the lines of... ' I wanna be your friiieeennd, we can spend some time on the weekend, wanna... only we can' female on vocals, So catchy.
    Can anyone help!?

  53. Hi, I was in topshop the other day and heard this song that basically went like "better, you won't find any better, any better than me" something close to that, it was a girl singing and I really really love it but haven't been able to find it anywhere! Hope someone knows! thanks :D

  54. Walked into topshop and heard a song that went like " Something I can remember....from july till the end of september" a girl sang the lyric, anyone know the artist??

  55. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO4h6SvpMv0&feature=player_embedded

    Japayork Lydia.

  56. walked in topman today and there was a song playing with a male and female vocal. something like " in your arms.." "nothing lasts forever"? sounded a bit like the xx but yeah, anyone know?? it was soo good

  57. I heard a song in topshop where the beginning and end was like a really choppy, electronic "yeahyeahyeah" and then it was a rock song in the middle... anyone know what I'm talking about???

  58. For the person looking for the Remix of 'Heartbeats', it is actually the original version of the song (I think!) by The Knife.

    And thank you for the person who told me about the 'Lydia' song. Mystery solved!!

  59. Hey, I was in Foyleside Topman today, there was a song playing that the workers didn't know the song, but said that its on a tape they get sent to them every month.
    It starts off with a violin or strings sound. then goes into like a trance sound tho no beat to it. maybe a drumkit. the vocals had like a reverb effect to it. I really need to know this song.. please help, Jamie

  60. In november 2011, I went into the Topshop in Sheffield town centre and heard a song that went "why don't you move baby, why don't you shake baby..." I think they were the lyrics..not quite sure.. Anyone know what it is pleeeease? The song had such a retro cool vibe to it! It's been bugging me for such a long time!!
